X Universe Wiki

The Terraformers, also known as the Xenon, are a robotic race in the X Universe. They are AI which seem to be slowly developing a sense of self awareness, consciousness and understanding although they still go by the logic, if it moves, shoot it. The Ancients classify them as a pre-sentient species.

Xenon (X:BTF)

Xenon (X-Tension)

Xenon (X2)

Xenon (X3)


The Xenon are a plague on the X Universe, gaining a foothold where they can and attacking any ship which gets too close. They are part of no political faction or treaty with either race in the X Universe, although the Split have had contact in the past.

The Terrans are to blame for the existence of the Xenon. During the early stages of exploration of the gate system by Earth, terraformer AI ships were sent to transform uninhabitable planets into planets like Earth, capable of supporting humans. Due to a software error, the Terraformer fleet turned against its creators, destroying most colonies and ships in the X Universe. When the fight got to Earth, a few daring ships lead by Nathan R. Gunne managed to draw the remaining Terraformer fleet through the Earth jumpgate to the X Universe. The gate was then destroyed, trapping the Terraformers and Gunne's fleet in the X Universe, with no return to Earth possible.

The player can not dock at any Xenon Stations, communicate with Xenon or have any rank with Xenon. They are permanently enemies.


Xenon Ships (X:BTF)

Xenon Ships (X-Tension)

Xenon Ships (X2)

Xenon Ships (X3)

Xenon Ships
X: Beyond the Frontier X-Tension X2: The Threat X3: Reunion X3: Terran Conflict X3: Albion Prelude X3: Farnham's Legacy X Rebirth X4: Foundations
Name Stats via Name Stats via Name Stats via Name Stats via Name Stats via Name Stats via Name Stats via Name Stats via Name Stats via
M0 Xenon M0 Race Or Class Xenon M0 Race Or Class N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A M0 Race Or Class
M1 Carrier Xenon Carrier Race Or Class Xenon Carrier Race Or Class J Race Or Class J Race Or Class J Race Or Class J Race Or Class J Race Or Class N/A N/A J Race Or Class
M2 Destroyer Xenon Destroyer Race Or Class Xenon Destroyer Race Or Class K Race Or Class K Race Or Class
M6 Corvette N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A P Race Or Class
M3 Plus Armed Transporter N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A LX Race Or Class
M3 Fighter L Race Or Class L Race Or Class L Race Or Class L Race Or Class
M4 Interceptor M Race Or Class M Race Or Class M Race Or Class M Race Or Class
M5 Scout N Race Or Class N Race Or Class N Race Or Class N Race Or Class
TL Large Transporter Xenon I (Cutscenes Only) Race Or Class Xenon I (Unused) Race Or Class N/A N/A N/A N/A
TS Small Transporter Xenon H (Only as Pirate Ships) Race Or Class Xenon H (Only as Pirate Ships) Race Or Class N/A N/A N/A N/A


Xenon Stations (X:BTF)

Xenon Stations (X-Tension)

Xenon Stations (X2)

Xenon Stations (X3)
