X Universe Wiki

This page contains a list of all the sectors in X3: Terran Conflict

Argon sectors[]

Argon Prime (homeworld of the Argon Federation)

Ringo Moon

The Wall

The Hole

Herron's Nebula

Cloudbase North West

Three Worlds

Power Circle

Antigone Memorial

Red Light

Home of Light

President's End

Elena's Fortune

Ore Belt

Cloudbase South East

Cloudbase South West

Aladna Hill

Akeela's Beacon

Light of Heart


Nyana's Hideout

Circle of Labour

Omicron Lyrae

Treasure Chest

Black Hole Sun

Nathan's Voyage


Midnight Star

Belt of Aguilar

Boron sectors[]

Kingdom's End (the Boron Kingdom's homeworld)

Rolk's Drift

Queen's Space

Menelaus' Frontier

Rolk's Fate

Atreus' Clouds

Light Water

Shore of Infinity

Lucky Planets

Rolk's Legacy

Great Trench

Menelaus' Paradise

Bluish Snout

Hila's Joy

Ocean of Fantasy

Depths of Silence

Dark Waters

Shining Currents

Mists of Elysium

Great Reef

Barren Shores

Resevoir of Tranquillity

Paranid sectors[]

Paranid Prime (homeworld of the Paranid Empire)

Emperor Mines

Priest Rings

Priest's pity

Empire's Edge

Duke's Domain

Emperor's Ridge

Preacher's Void

Duke's Vision

Emperor's Wisdom

Pontifex' Realm

Trinity Sanctum

Preacher's Refuge

Priest Refuge

Cardinal's Domain

Sacred Relic

Spring of Belief

Unholy Descent

Friar's Retreat

Pontifex' Seclusion

Consecrated Fire

Split sectors[]

Family Pride (homeworld of the Split Dynasty)

Family Whi

Family Zein

Thuruk's Pride

Thuruk's Beard

Family Rhonkar

Rhonkar's Fire

Rhonkar's Clouds

Tharka's Sun

Patriarch's Keep

Patriarch's Retreat

Family Rhy

Rhy's Desire

Rhy's Crusade

Family Tkr

Tkr's Deprivation

Ghinn's Escape

Family Njy

Thynn's Abyss

Njy's Deception

Family Ryk

Family Z'rt

Z'rt's Dominion

Teladi sectors[]

Company Pride (the Teladi Company's homeworld)

Ceo's Sprite

Blue Profit

Greater Profit


Teladi Gain

Spaceweed Drift

Profit Share

Ceo's Buckzoid

Bad Debt

Ministry of Finance

Grand Exchange

Merchant Haven

The Vault

Shareholder's Fortune

Mines of Fortune

Home of Oppotunity

Two Grand

Profit Centre Alpha

PTNI Headquaters

Scale Plate Green

Eighteen Billion

New Income

Ceo's Doubt

Ianamus Zura

Terran sectors[]

Asteroid Belt
Saturn (1,2)
The Moon
Kuiper Belt
Oort Cloud
Heretic's End

Xenon sectors[]

Xenon Sector 101

Xenon Sector 347

Xenon Sector 472

Xenon Sector 534

Xenon Sector 596

Xenon Sector 597

Xenon Sector 598

Yaki sectors[]

Ocracoke's Storm

Senator's Badlands

Pirate sectors[]

Farnham's Legend

Split Fire

Bala Gi's Joy

Olmancketslat's Treaty

Brennan's Triumph

Danna's Chance

Nopelios' Memorial

Hatikvah's Faith

Moo-Kye's Revenge

Mi Ton's Refuge

Loomanckstrat's Legacy


Other sectors[]

Heretic's End

Elysium of Light

Getsu Fune

5 Unknown Enemy Sectors

10 Unknown Sectors

Savage Spur

Freedom's Reach
